Modified Date: 2024-04-25 |
Submission Date: 2023-09-21 |
External identifier of this document: |
Version: 1.0 |
Editors: Mark Lindeman, Bob Coret, Pieter Woltjer, Jeroen Balkenende, Ivo Zandhuis |
Contributors: Rick Mourits, Rick Companje, Richard Zijdeman, Micon Schorsij |
Preferred Namespace Prefix: picom |
Persons in Context, abbreviated as PiCo, is a knowledge model for annotating and publishing person observations from historical sources. A main characteristic of PiCo is the distinction between Person observations (person data as found on a Source) and Person reconstructions (groupings of Person observations, created by the process of matching Person observations). PiCo makes use of existing ontologies where possible and adds its own classes and properties when required.
Persons in Context is developed by the CBG|Center for family history as a successor of the XML standard A2A for annotating historical person data. Cultural heritage institutions in the Netherlands are encouraged to move to PiCo. PiCo was developed in collaboration with technical and domain experts. The first version of PiCo was reviewed by a selected group of Dutch archivists and scientists. PiCo is maintained by the PiCo Maintenance Group.
A summary of properties that have vocabularies as target values.
Property | Classes | Vocabularies |
Modules and Class Hierarchy
Classes and Properties
The Activity that generated a PersonReconstruction
Scope Note
A Person Reconstruction can either be created by a human researcher or by a software algorithm. In case of a human-made reconstruction, provide information about the time, place and knowledge- input. In case of a software algorithm, provide information about the name, version and configuration settings of the program. |
Property | Description | Constraints | ||
endedAtTime |
The end time of the activity that generated a Person Reconstruction. |
Expected class type xsd:dateTime |
startedAtTime |
The start time of the activity that generated a Person Reconstruction. |
Expected class type xsd:dateTime |
wasAssociatedWith |
Assignment of responsibility to an agent for the activity of creating a person reconstruction. |
Expected class type Agent |
The agent (person or organisation) that is responsible for the creation of a person reconstruction.
Example of an Agent responsible for an Activity
a prov:Activity ;
prov:wasAssociatedWith cbg:reconstruction_agent_01 ;
prov:startedAtTime "2024-05-24T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
prov:endedAtTime "2024-05-24T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime .
a prov:Agent ;
sdo:name "CBG|Center for Family History" ;
sdo:url <> .
A Person is a human being whose individual existence can somehow be documented.
Scope Note
Container class for Person observation and Person reconstruction. Not to be used directly in PiCo resources. |
Subclass of
Superclass of
Property | Description | Constraints | ||
additionalName |
The name of a Person, annotated according to the Person Name Vocabulary. |
Expected class type PersonName |
birthDate |
The birth date of a persoon. |
Expected class type xsd:string Expected class type xsd:date |
birthPlace |
The place where a person was born. |
Expected class type xsd:string Expected class type xsd:anyURI |
children |
A child of a person. |
Expected class type Person |
deathDate |
Date of death. |
Expected class type xsd:string Expected class type xsd:date |
deathPlace |
The place where the person died. |
Expected class type xsd:string Expected class type xsd:anyURI |
familyName |
Family name. For Dutch names, this is the last name of a person. |
Expected class type xsd:string |
gender |
Gender of a Person. |
Expected class type schema:GenderType |
givenName (schema) |
Given name. For Dutch names, this could be multiple given names of a person. |
Expected class type xsd:string |
name |
The name of a Person or a Source. |
Expected class type xsd:string |
parent |
A parent of a person. |
Expected class type Person |
sibling |
A person's brother or sister. |
Expected class type Person |
spouse |
The person's spouse. |
Expected class type Person |
Name of a person, expressed in Person Name Vocabulary (PNV)
Scope Note
In the Person Name Vocabulary, a name is considered to be a a resource type in its own right. A PersonName can consist of many different parts. The most common ones are mentioned here. See the full specification of the Person Name Vocabulary for more details. Additionally to a pnv:PersonName, the properties sdo:literalName or sdo:givenName and sdo:familyName should be used. |
Property | Description | Constraints | ||
baseSurname |
A Base surname is a family name without any prefixes, if those prefixes need to be ignored in sorting. If the family name is e.g. 'de Vries' and it needs to be sorted under 'V', the Base surname is 'Vries'. Base surname is equivalent to BioDes:geslachtsnaam. |
Expected class type xsd:string |
givenName (pnv) |
The given name of a pnv:PersonName. Designates the name(s) given to someone at birth or any other name-giving event. |
Expected class type xsd:string |
initials |
An initial is the first letter of a person's given name (or sometimes a combination of letters). The Initials property can be used to separately record the initial(s) of a person's given name(s). Each initial should be followed by a dot. It is recommended to always use the Initials property to record initials, but if only the initials of a given name are known, they may also be recorded using pnv:givenName (or pnv:firstName). Example 1: "Peter R. de Vries" would be modelled using pnv:initials "P.R." and pnv:givenName "Peter R.". Example 2: "C.Joh. Kieviet" would ideally be modelled using pnv:initials "C.Joh.", but pnv:givenName "C.Joh." is also possible. Example 3: "H.A.F.M.O. (Hans) van Mierlo" would be modelled using pnv:initials "H.A.F.M.O." and pnv:givenName "Hans". |
Expected class type xsd:string |
literalName |
Literal name designates a full personal name. This property may only be left blank if a person's name was unknown or if a person was unnamed (e.g. a child that died shortly after being born), in which cases the property pnv:nameSpecification should state "unknown" or "unnamed". |
Expected class type xsd:string |
patronym |
A Patronym is a name element based on the given name of one's father or grandfather. This is also the preferred property for a matronym (i.e. a name element based on the given name of one's mother or grandmother). |
Expected class type xsd:string |
surnamePrefix |
A Surname prefix is a name part prefixing the surname (e.g. 'van' or 'van den'). |
Expected class type xsd:string |
A Person observation is a person that can be observed on a Source
Scope Note
A person observation represents how a person is recorded on a Source. Therefore, it must always be related to a source. Person observations closely reflect data as it appears in the source, that is, with the age, occupation, and spelling of the person's name recorded as in the record. A notable exception are dates where the creator of the person observation is encouraged to write down the date according to the YMD ISO 8601 date standard (for example: '1802-07-29'), even though the source probably lists the date in a DMY or MDY format or another calendar entirely. Information on the original entry can be stored using an optional triple. |
Subclass of
Property | Description | Constraints | ||
address |
Physical address of the Person. |
Expected class type schema:Text |
deceased |
Indication if a person is deceased. |
Expected class type xsd:boolean |
hadPrimarySource |
A primary source for a topic refers to something produced by some agent with direct experience and knowledge about the topic, at the time of the topic's study, without benefit from hindsight. Because of the directness of primary sources, they 'speak for themselves' in ways that cannot be captured through the filter of secondary sources. As such, it is important for secondary sources to reference those primary sources from which they were derived, so that their reliability can be investigated. A primary source relation is a particular case of derivation of secondary materials from their primary sources. It is recognized that the determination of primary sources can be up to interpretation, and should be done according to conventions accepted within the application's domain. |
Expected class type Source |
hasAge |
The age of a person. |
Expected class type xsd:string |
hasOccupation |
The occupational title related to a person in an observation. |
Expected class type xsd:anyURI Expected class type xsd:string |
hasRole |
The role of a Person observation on the Source. |
additionalName |
The name of a Person, annotated according to the Person Name Vocabulary. |
Expected class type PersonName |
birthDate |
The birth date of a persoon. |
Expected class type xsd:string Expected class type xsd:date |
birthPlace |
The place where a person was born. |
Expected class type xsd:string Expected class type xsd:anyURI |
children |
A child of a person. |
Expected class type Person |
deathDate |
Date of death. |
Expected class type xsd:string Expected class type xsd:date |
deathPlace |
The place where the person died. |
Expected class type xsd:string Expected class type xsd:anyURI |
familyName |
Family name. For Dutch names, this is the last name of a person. |
Expected class type xsd:string |
gender |
Gender of a Person. |
Expected class type schema:GenderType |
givenName (schema) |
Given name. For Dutch names, this could be multiple given names of a person. |
Expected class type xsd:string |
name |
The name of a Person or a Source. |
Expected class type xsd:string |
parent |
A parent of a person. |
Expected class type Person |
sibling |
A person's brother or sister. |
Expected class type Person |
spouse |
The person's spouse. |
Expected class type Person |
PersonObservation overview
Schematic overview of a person observation.
Person observation example
Example of two Person Observations from the same source
a :PersonObservation ;
prov:hadPrimarySource afr:geboorteregiser_1858 ;
sdo:name "Abe Bos" ;
sdo:familyName "Bos" ;
sdo:givenName "Abe" ;
sdo:birthDate "21 Junij 1858"^^xsd:string ;
sdo:birthDate "1858-06-21"^^xsd:date ;
sdo:birthPlace "Joure" ;
sdo:gender sdo:Male ;
:hasRole picot:roles/575 ; # child
sdo:parent afr:geboorteregiser_1858_po_2, afr:geboorteregiser_1858_po_3 .
a :PersonObservation ;
prov:hadPrimarySource afr:geboorteregiser_1858 ;
sdo:name "Sjouke Abes Bos" ;
sdo:familyName "Bos" ;
sdo:givenName "Sjouke" ;
:hasAge "30"^^xsd:decimal ;
sdo:hasOccupation "klokmakersknecht" ;
sdo:address "Joure" ;
sdo:gender sdo:Male ;
sdo:spouse afr:geboorteregiser_1858_po_3 ;
sdo:children afr:geboorteregiser_1858_po_1 ;
:hasRole picot:roles/489 . # declarant
A Person reconstruction is the result of modelling one or multiple PersonObservation(s) into a single resource.
Scope Note
A Person reconstruction must always refer to one or more Person observations. For this, the prov:wasDerivedFrom property is used. Information about the creation should be documented with the prov:wasGeneratedBy property. Information about updates of a Person reconstruction should be documented with prov:wasRevisionOf |
Subclass of
Property | Description | Constraints | ||
wasDerivedFrom |
A derivation is a combination of one or more Person observations in a Person reconstruction |
Expected class type PersonObservation |
wasGeneratedBy |
Generation is the completion of production of a new Person reconstruction by an activity. This Person reconstruction did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation. |
Expected class type Activity |
wasRevisionOf |
A revision is a derivation for which the resulting entity is a revised version of some original. |
Expected class type PersonReconstruction |
additionalName |
The name of a Person, annotated according to the Person Name Vocabulary. |
Expected class type PersonName |
birthDate |
The birth date of a persoon. |
Expected class type xsd:string Expected class type xsd:date |
birthPlace |
The place where a person was born. |
Expected class type xsd:string Expected class type xsd:anyURI |
children |
A child of a person. |
Expected class type Person |
deathDate |
Date of death. |
Expected class type xsd:string Expected class type xsd:date |
deathPlace |
The place where the person died. |
Expected class type xsd:string Expected class type xsd:anyURI |
familyName |
Family name. For Dutch names, this is the last name of a person. |
Expected class type xsd:string |
gender |
Gender of a Person. |
Expected class type schema:GenderType |
givenName (schema) |
Given name. For Dutch names, this could be multiple given names of a person. |
Expected class type xsd:string |
name |
The name of a Person or a Source. |
Expected class type xsd:string |
parent |
A parent of a person. |
Expected class type Person |
sibling |
A person's brother or sister. |
Expected class type Person |
spouse |
The person's spouse. |
Expected class type Person |
PersonReconstruction overview
Schematic overview of a person reconstruction.
Person Reconstruction example
Example of a Person Reconstruction
a :PersonReconstruction ;
sdo:name "Anna Maria Koppen" ;
sdo:familyName "Koppen" ;
sdo:givenName "Anna" ;
sdo:gender sdo:Female ;
sdo:birthPlace "Haarlem" ;
sdo:birthDate "1860-03-31"^^xsd:date ;
sdo:deathPlace "Detroit, VSA" ;
sdo:deathDate "1926"^^xsd:gYear ;
prov:wasDerivedFrom nha:huwelijksakte_1885_321_po_1, cbg:NL-HaCBG_1755_0341_142_po_1 ;
prov:wasGeneratedBy cbg:reconstruction_activity_01 .
a prov:Activity ;
prov:wasAssociatedWith cbg:reconstruction_agent_01 ;
prov:startedAtTime "2015-08-07T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime ;
prov:endedAtTime "2020-01-08T00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime .
An image file.
Scope Note
A link to the location of the scan at the HoldingArchive. A link to scan as it can be displayed online and a link to a thumbnail (for search results) should be provided. Preferably a link to a IIIF manifest. |
Subclass of
Property | Description | Constraints | ||
embedUrl |
A URL pointing to a viewer for a specific scan. |
Expected class type schema:URL |
position |
The position of the scan in the order of a set of scans |
Expected class type xsd:int |
thumbnail |
Thumbnail image of the Scan. |
Expected class type Scan |
url |
URL of the Source or Scan. |
Expected class type schema:URL |
An intangible type to be applied to any archive content, carrying with it a set of properties required to describe archival items and collections.
Scope Note
Person observations can appear on many types of historical documents. The PiCo model does not aim to describe these sources, as excellent data models, such as Records in Contexts and Dublin Core, already exist within the heritage domain. In order to model person observations, we require that institutions describe their sources at least with a single name property that combines identifying information about the source like its title and creation date. For example, a Marriage Certificate is then described as follows: "BS Marriage Haarlem, November 11, 1885, certificate number 321". As long as this description consists of various elements that identify the source, heritage institutions are free to use any authoritative domain-specific standard to describe their historical person records. |
Subclass of
Property | Description | Constraints | ||
additionalType |
The type of the Source. |
associatedMedia |
A media object, usually a scan, that encodes the Source of a Person observation. |
Expected class type Scan |
contentLocation |
The location depicted or described in the content. For example, the geographic coverage of an archival record. Or the location in a photograph or painting. |
Expected class type xsd:anyURI Expected class type xsd:string |
dateCreated |
The date on which the Source was created. |
Expected class type xsd:date |
holdingArchive |
Organization that holds, keeps or maintains the ArchiveComponent. |
Expected class type xsd:anyURI |
name |
The name of a Person or a Source. |
Expected class type xsd:string |
url |
URL of the Source or Scan. |
Expected class type schema:URL |
Source with a linked Scan
Example of a Source with a linked Scan
a sdo:ArchiveComponent ;
sdo:additionalType picot:sourcetypes/551 ; # civil registry: birth
sdo:name "Geboorteregister 1858, archiefnummer 30-16, Burgerlijke Stand Haskerland - Tresoar, inventarisnummer 1020, blad 051" ;
sdo:holdingArchive <> ;
sdo:url <> ;
sdo:dateCreated "1885"^^xs:gYear ;
sdo:locationCreated "Haskerland" ;
sdo:associatedMedia [ a sdo:ImageObject ;
sdo:position 51 ;
sdo:url "" ;
sdo:thumbnail "" ; ] .
Datatype Properties
Physical address of the Person.
Scope Note
Address of a Person as mentioned on the Source. |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by address
A Base surname is a family name without any prefixes, if those prefixes need to be ignored in sorting. If the family name is e.g. 'de Vries' and it needs to be sorted under 'V', the Base surname is 'Vries'. Base surname is equivalent to BioDes:geslachtsnaam.
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by baseSurname
The birth date of a persoon.
Scope Note
The birth date of a person. A date value in ISO 8601 format should be used. Incomplete dates are allowed, but only when truncated from small to large. For example: "1970-08-15", "1970-08" and "1970" are all allowed, but "1970-00-15" or "08-15" are not. Sometimes, you may want use a string as birthDate. For example if you want to or have to record the date exactly as it was written on the Source. If possible use both the string format and the xsd:date format in this case. |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by birthDate
The place where a person was born.
Scope Note
Preferably, use a link to an existing thesaurus like geonames or wikidata. If desired, both the literal place, as mentioned on the Source can be used together with the reconciled version. |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by birthPlace
The location depicted or described in the content. For example, the geographic coverage of an archival record. Or the location in a photograph or painting.
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by contentLocation
The date on which the Source was created.
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by dateCreated
Date of death.
Scope Note
The death date of a person. A date value in ISO 8601 format should be used. Incomplete dates are allowed, but only when truncated from small to large. For example: "1970-08-15", "1970-08" and "1970" are all allowed, but "1970-00-15" or "08-15" are not. When the date of death is not known, but is known that a person is deceased, the property :deceased can be used. Sometimes, you may want to use a string as deathDate. For example if you want to or have to record the date exactly as it was written on the Source. If possible use both the string format and the xsd:date format in this case. |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by deathDate
The place where the person died.
Scope Note
Preferably, use a link to an existing thesaurus like geonames or wikidata. If desired, both the literal place, as mentioned on the Source can be used together with the reconciled version. |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by deathPlace
Indication if a person is deceased.
Scope Note
Indication if a person is still alive or not at time of the source of the observation. Only used when deathDate is unknown. A person without a deathDate and without the property deceased set to true, will be considered alive. This will have consequences for the publication of the person record and of any linked media items. |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
The end time of the activity that generated a Person Reconstruction.
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by endedAtTime
Family name. For Dutch names, this is the last name of a person.
Scope Note
The use of sdo:givenName and sdo:familyName is the most straightforward method for describing person names. Use pnv:PersonName for more extensive name annotations. |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by familyName
Gender of a Person.
Scope Note
Use one of: sdo:Male or sdo:Female. |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by gender
givenName (pnv)
The given name of a pnv:PersonName. Designates the name(s) given to someone at birth or any other name-giving event.
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by givenName (pnv)
givenName (schema)
Given name. For Dutch names, this could be multiple given names of a person.
Scope Note
The use of sdo:givenName and sdo:familyName is the preferred method for describing person names. Use pnv:PersonName for more extensive name annotations. |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by givenName (schema)
The age of a person.
Scope Note
Only used for Person observations, in case the birth date is not known, but the age is. In combination with de date of the Source, a birth date range can be derived, which can be used in the process of creating a Person reconstruction. The age is considered to be in years, unless otherwise mentioned. So an age of "4" is considered to be 4 years, where "4 months" is interpreted as 4 months. Numerical ages ("4") are preferred above ages in text ("four"). |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
The occupational title related to a person in an observation.
Scope Note
Occupation as mentioned on the Source |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by hasOccupation
Religious conviction related to a person in an observation.
Scope Note
Religion as mentioned on the Source. If desired, a SKOS thesaurus can be used to annotate religion. |
Range includes:
An initial is the first letter of a person's given name (or sometimes a combination of letters). The Initials property can be used to separately record the initial(s) of a person's given name(s). Each initial should be followed by a dot. It is recommended to always use the Initials property to record initials, but if only the initials of a given name are known, they may also be recorded using pnv:givenName (or pnv:firstName). Example 1: "Peter R. de Vries" would be modelled using pnv:initials "P.R." and pnv:givenName "Peter R.". Example 2: "C.Joh. Kieviet" would ideally be modelled using pnv:initials "C.Joh.", but pnv:givenName "C.Joh." is also possible. Example 3: "H.A.F.M.O. (Hans) van Mierlo" would be modelled using pnv:initials "H.A.F.M.O." and pnv:givenName "Hans".
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by initials
Literal name designates a full personal name. This property may only be left blank if a person's name was unknown or if a person was unnamed (e.g. a child that died shortly after being born), in which cases the property pnv:nameSpecification should state "unknown" or "unnamed".
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by literalName
The name of a Person or a Source.
Scope Note
For Sources: Use a user-friendly name to identify the source. Depending on the Source type, this may contain a combination of it's name, year of creation, creator, et cetera. |
Scope Note
For Persons: Use full name if the name can't be split into given name and family name. Otherwise use sdo:givenNamen and sdo:fullName or the more extensive pnv:PersonName. |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by name
A Patronym is a name element based on the given name of one's father or grandfather. This is also the preferred property for a matronym (i.e. a name element based on the given name of one's mother or grandmother).
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by patronym
The position of the scan in the order of a set of scans
Scope Note
The position defines the order in which scans are presented on the web. This feature is required when a Source has multiple scans. |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by position
The start time of the activity that generated a Person Reconstruction.
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by startedAtTime
A Surname prefix is a name part prefixing the surname (e.g. 'van' or 'van den').
Scope Note
A2A:PersonNamePrefixLastName |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by surnamePrefix
Assignment of responsibility to an agent for the activity of creating a person reconstruction.
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by wasAssociatedWith
Object Properties
The name of a Person, annotated according to the Person Name Vocabulary.
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by additionalName
The type of the Source.
Scope Note
Use a term from the PiCo thesaurus for Source types: |
Domain includes:
Is defined by additionalType
A media object, usually a scan, that encodes the Source of a Person observation.
Scope Note
todo |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by associatedMedia
A child of a person.
Scope Note
For Person observations, the child should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the child should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by children
A URL pointing to a viewer for a specific scan.
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by embedUrl
A primary source for a topic refers to something produced by some agent with direct experience and knowledge about the topic, at the time of the topic's study, without benefit from hindsight. Because of the directness of primary sources, they 'speak for themselves' in ways that cannot be captured through the filter of secondary sources. As such, it is important for secondary sources to reference those primary sources from which they were derived, so that their reliability can be investigated. A primary source relation is a particular case of derivation of secondary materials from their primary sources. It is recognized that the determination of primary sources can be up to interpretation, and should be done according to conventions accepted within the application's domain.
Scope Note
Linking a Source with the hadPrimarySource property is required for Person Observations. |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by hadPrimarySource
Scope Note
hasAncestor is not meant to be used as a property for PersonObservations or PersonReconstructions. It is a superclass of sdo:Parent. Since hasAncestor is a owl:TransitiveProperty, this will make the parent of your parent into your ancestor. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasChild-in-law property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasChild-in-law property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasCousin property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasCousin property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasCousin-in-law property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasCousin-in-law property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
hasDescendant is not meant to be used as a property for PersonObservations or PersonReconstructions. It is a superclass of sdo:Children. Since hasAncestor is a owl:TransitiveProperty, this will make the children of your children into your descendants. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasFosterChild property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasFosterChild property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasFosterParen property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasFosterParen property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasGodchild property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasGodchild property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasGodparent property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasGodparent property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasGrandchild property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasGrandchild property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasGrandchild-in-law property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasGrandchild-in-law property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasGrandparent property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasGrandparent property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasGrandparent-in-law property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasGrandparent-in-law property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasGreat-grandchild property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasGreat-grandchild property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasGreat-grandparent property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasGreat-grandparent property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasHalf-sibling property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasHalf-sibling property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasLegitimizedChild property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasLegitimizedChild property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasNephew_Niece-in-law property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasNephew_Niece-in-law property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasNephew_Niece property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasNephew_Niece property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasNephew_Niece property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasNephew_Niece property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasPreviousPartner property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasPreviousPartner property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
The role of a Person observation on the Source.
Scope Note
Use a term from the PiCo Roles thesaurus: |
Domain includes:
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasSibling-in-law property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasSibling-in-law property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasStepchild property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasStepchild property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasStepchild-in-law property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasStepchild-in-law property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasStepparent property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasStepparent property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasStepparent-in-law property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasStepparent-in-law property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasStepsibling property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasStepsibling property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasUncle_Aunt property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasUncle_Aunt property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person observations, the hasUncle_Aunt-in-law property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the hasUncle_Aunt-in-law property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
Organization that holds, keeps or maintains the ArchiveComponent.
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by holdingArchive
Scope Note
For Person observations, the isLegitimitezedChildOf property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the isLegitimitezedChildOf property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
Scope Note
For Person observations, the isWidOf property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the isWidOf property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
A parent of a person.
Scope Note
For Person observations, the parent property should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the parent property should refer to another Person reconstruction. |
Sub property of:
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by parent
A person's brother or sister.
Scope Note
For Person observations, the sibling should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the sibling should refer to the Person reconstruction of the spouse. |
Sub property of:
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by sibling
The person's spouse.
Scope Note
For Person observations, the spouse should always refer to another Person observation on the same Source. |
Scope Note
For Person reconstructions, the spouse should refer to the Person reconstruction of the spouse. |
Sub property of:
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by spouse
Thumbnail image of the Scan.
Domain includes:
Range includes:
URL of the Source or Scan.
Scope Note
For Sources: a link to the Source at the holding archive. Preferably a permalink. |
Scope Note
For Scans of Sources: a link to the scan of the Source at the holding archive. Preferably a link to a IIIF manifest. |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by url
A derivation is a combination of one or more Person observations in a Person reconstruction
Scope Note
A PersonReconstruction is always derived from one or more PersonObservations. The wasDerivedFrom property is therefore required for PersonReconstructions. |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by wasDerivedFrom
Generation is the completion of production of a new Person reconstruction by an activity. This Person reconstruction did not exist before generation and becomes available for usage after this generation.
Scope Note
Required for PersonReconstructions. |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by wasGeneratedBy
A revision is a derivation for which the resulting entity is a revised version of some original.
Scope Note
The wasRevisionOf property is used for modifications made on Person reconstructions. It can be qualified with a prov:Revision. |
Domain includes:
Range includes:
Is defined by wasRevisionOf